General info

The category includes courtyards, gardens of residential properties.

In order to protect the privacy of those hosting concert the address of private residences will be communicate via email only to those that have successfully booked a place at the concert.

To apply it is necessary to submit three photos of the venue.

In case the proposed venue, either courtyard or garden, is part of a shared residential building in order to participate to Piano City Milano an authorization from the property owner and/or residents is required.

Piano City Milano will cover only a civil liability insurance policy. Piano City Milano will not be responsible for material damage occurring inside the venue during the concert.

For more information contact us at

the venue

Piano City Milano will cover only a civil liability insurance policy. Piano City Milano will not be responsible for material damage occurring inside the venue during the concert.

If it is not a courtyard or garden, but instead a residential house or apartment, a commercial venue or another type of location go back to the homepage and select the correct category.

Quando preferiresti ospitare il concerto?

The piano

Please fill the form on the right so that we have all necessary information about the piano in the venue.

Piano City Milano can provide for a tuning service of the pianos that will be played during the concerts. In order to simplify the work of our staff we ask you to be as precise as possible please.
Piano City Milano will not provide assistance in moving the piano.

No digital or hybrid pianos are allowed

Please request the tuning service only if actually needed. The tuning service costs 35€ to be paid to the tuner.


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