General Info

Only piano solo concerts can be admitted. Performances with other instruments will not be considered.
The concert will have to be financed and produced by the applicant and it will have to guarantee free entry to spectators.
In the application form the applicant is required to load a 2 minutes long video in which the musician presents him/herself and plays a passage of the musical programme he/she indents to play during the concert.
Each concert has to be between 45 and 60 minutes long.
To apply it is also necessary to load three pictures of the venues where the concert will take place.
Finally, in order to be included in the Piano City Milano programme it is necessary to read and agree with Condizioni di partecipazione (Participation agreement).

For enquires write to


Personal details

Please insert the pianist personal details. If you're sending this form for a group of more pianists, insert the informations for the eventual cachet holder only, and the name of the group under "Stage Name".

Max 700 characters
libere da diritti ed utilizzabili a mezzo stampa

When would you like to host the concert?

The concert

General Info

Please write down the musical genre that fits the most your programme. It is possible to indicate more musical genres in case the exhibition will involve pieces of different origin.
Digital or hybrid pianos are not allowed.

Titolo vero e proprio o, in alternativa, nome del pianista
Potrà essere pubblicato sul sito e/o sul programma cartaceo. max 300 caratteri spazi inclusi. Potrà subire eventuali modifiche in accordo cone la Direzione Artistica.
Programme compiling example:
A. Schoenberg
Drei Klavierstücke op. 11
  Sechs kleine Klavierstücke op. 19
L.v. Beethoven
Sonata n. 8 in do min. op. 13 “Patetica”
Sonata n. 24 in fa diesis magg. op 78 “À Thérèse”
Sonata n. 23 in fa min. op. 57 “Appassionata”
Ad esempio: modalità di prenotazione e contatti, ingresso libero fino a esaurimento posti, ...

Concert video presentation

It is necessary to upload a video with a length of at least 2 minutes, in which the pianist will introduce himself and play a selected passage from his programme. The video should preferably be uploaded on Youtube or Vimeo. Once uploaded, please insert the video URL here. If you are not able to upload your video, please send it via mail (in .zip format) or WeTransfer at

Caricando il video ci dai il consenso al suo utilizzo sulle nostre piattaforme digitali e su siti terzi a scopo promozionale per la manifestazione.

Insert here the link to the video on Youtube or Vimeo

If you do not wish your video to be public, Youtube and Vimeo's privacy settings allow you to set the video to be seen only by the uploader and by those you share the video URL with.
For more and detailed information, we invite you to check the Youtube and Vimeo settings tutorial

If selected for Piano City Milano, you allow the use of your video for promotional activities related to your concert.

The Venue

If you are applying for a private residence a courtyard or a commercial venue go back to the homepage and select the correct category.


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